Actor: Iveco

corporate body


1975 –

Lastwagen-Hersteller aus Turin, Italien. Langjähriger Kunde von Sattelkupplungen der Georg Fischer Verkehrstechnik GmbH.

Artikel «Iveco entscheidet sich für Georg Fischer» in International, Nr. 21/22, Jubiläumsausgabe Juli/September 2002, 9. Jahrgang (Signatur GFA 9/4.21.1)

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Iveco appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 17/890767 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890768 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890769 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890770 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890771 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890822 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890823 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890824 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890825 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/890826 Iveco Rear Axle 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/891180 Iveco Hub 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/891181 Iveco Hub 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/891182 Iveco Hub 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/891183 Iveco Hub 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/891184 Iveco Hub 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 9/4.21.1 International, Nr. 21/22, Jubiläumsausgabe Juli/September 2002, 9. Jahrgang 2002 File: 2 volumes digitized
GFA 9/4.21.2 International, No. 21/22, Bicentenary Issue, July/September 2002, Volume 9 2002 File: 2 volumes digitized
1 to 17 from 17 Entries