Existing Actors

ID Name Type From to
8338 Goodwin, C. W. person
8339 Goodwin, George person 1777-00-00 1848-01-13
8340 Horsfall, William Joseph person
8341 Royal Polytechnic Institution corporate body 1837-00-00 1881-00-00
8342 hi-CUT Ltd. corporate body
8343 Dimeco corporate body 1957-00-00
8344 Eisenhower, Dwight D. person 1890-10-14 1969-03-28
8348 Bächler, Meret person
8349 Läuchli Konservierung Restaurierung GmbH corporate body
8350 Ries, Judith person
8351 Merten, Sandra person
8352 Schudel, Sigmund person 1832-00-00 1892-00-00
8354 Stegemann, Florian person 1973-00-00
8363 Abegglen, Walter R. C. person 1964-08-28
8364 Spengler, Hans Conrad person 1710-00-00 1780-00-00
8365 Mezger, Verena person 1721-00-00 1785-00-00
8366 Rauschenbach, Johannes junior person 1856-11-21 1905-03-02
8367 De Virgiliis, Monica person 1967-00-00
8371 Atelier Michael Rothe GmbH corporate body
8372 Maleham & Yeomans LTD corporate body 1876-00-00 1912-00-00
8373 Fischer, Seraphine person 1812-00-00 1838-00-00
8377 Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu person 1689-01-18 1755-02-10
8378 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques person 1712-06-28 1778-07-02
8379 Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné person 1626-02-05 1696-04-18
8380 Lamartine, Alphonse de person 1790-10-21 1869-02-28
8381 Mushet, Robert Forester person 1811-00-00 1891-01-00
8382 Vam Control S.r.l. corporate body
8383 Chinaust (Hong Kong) International Investments Limited corporate body 2022-00-00
8384 Georg Fischer AS corporate body 1983-00-00
8392 Wen, Michelle person 1965-00-00
8399 Bocar Group corporate body 1958-00-00
8401 Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi) corporate body
8402 MassChallenge Switzerland corporate body 2009-00-00
8409 Hesse, Jochen person 1965-00-00
8426 Räbsamen, Stefan person 1965-00-00
8427 GF Building Flow Solutions corporate body 2023-11-13
8428 Swedenborg, Emanuel person 1688-00-00 1772-00-00
8429 Froben, Johann person 1460-00-00 1527-00-00
8430 Charles II. (England) person 1630-00-00 1685-00-00
8431 Maria Theresia von Österreich person 1717-00-00 1780-00-00
8433 Alprene Bologna Srl corporate body 1958-00-00
8452 Reusing, Fritz person 1874-00-00 1956-00-00
8453 FWU Institut für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht corporate body 1950-00-00
8454 Technische Vereinigung für Schraubverbindungen und Gewinderohre E.V. (TVSG) corporate body
8455 Occident-Film Michael Derenburg corporate body
8457 Gutenberg, Johannes person 1400-00-00 1468-00-00
8458 Mergehen, Ludwig person 1884-00-00 1954-00-00
8459 Ludwig & Mayer corporate body 1875-00-00 1984-00-00
8460 Reinhardt, Arnold person 1881-00-00 1971-00-00
8461 Gunzenhauser-Graf, Bertha person 1876-00-00 1927-00-00
2701 to 2750 from 2941 Entries