Existing Actors

ID Name Type From to
6065 Giesserei-Verband der Schweiz (GVS) corporate body 1994-06-29
6076 Fürer, Arthur person 1920-12-18 2008-01-06
6077 Suter, Hans-Rudolf Adrian person 1935-09-20 2023-09-09
6078 BAVARIA Industriekapital AG corporate body 2003-00-00
6086 Angestellte Schweiz corporate body 2006-00-00
6087 Gewerkschaft Unia corporate body 2004-00-00
6089 Schweizer Kader Organisation (SKO) corporate body 1893-00-00
6090 Kaufmännischer Verband Schweiz corporate body
6091 GF Pensionskasse corporate body
6092 GF Immobilien AG corporate body
6093 Agie Charmilles Holding AG corporate body
6094 Stadtarchiv Schaffhausen corporate body
6096 Papst Nikolaus III. person 1212-00-00 1280-08-22
6117 Felix, Jules person 1876-00-00
6128 Hinderling, Rudolf person 1897-00-00 1947-00-00
6138 Ley, Friedrich person 1887-00-00 1960-00-00
6139 Fischer, Katharina person 1775-00-00 1842-11-11
6140 Schaffhauser Nachrichten corporate body 1861-12-25
6151 Stössel, Willy person 1905-00-00 1962-11-02
6158 Waeckerlin, Robert person 1886-00-00 1952-00-00
6171 Meyer [2] person 1883-00-00 1951-00-00
6177 Wüst, Josef person 1906-00-00 1981-00-00
6185 GF Mitarbeitendenberatung organisational unit 1925-00-00
6201 Falk, Hans person 1918-08-16 2002-04-19
6205 Fischer, Emma person 1840-00-00 1919-00-00
6209 Homberger, Alex person 1912-10-26 2007-04-15
6210 Hoover, Herbert person 1874-08-10 1964-10-20
6211 Rheinstahl AG corporate body 1870-00-00
6217 Georg Fischer do Brasil Ltda. corporate body
6230 New Haven Foundry, Inc. corporate body
6234 George Fischer (Great Britain) Ltd. corporate body
6235 Leys George Fischer (Lincoln) Ltd. corporate body
6236 Ley’s Foundries & Engineering Ltd corporate body
6237 Rhenum Metall Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH corporate body
6238 Zimmer Plastik GmbH corporate body
6242 George Fischer Corporation corporate body
6243 Fundição Munck S.A. corporate body
6244 Georg Fischer AB corporate body 1971-00-00
6245 Bircher AG corporate body
6246 OWL AG Logistik-Systeme corporate body
6251 George Fischer Sales Ltd. corporate body 1933-00-00
6254 Lötfittings AG corporate body
6267 Charmilles Technologies Corporation corporate body 1968-00-00
6273 Georg Fischer Bohle Machine Tools Corp. corporate body
6287 Georg Fischer Disa A/S corporate body 1900-00-00
6293 Mator AG corporate body
6296 Charmilles Technologies (Great Britain) Ltd. corporate body
6300 Friedrich II. von Preussen person 1712-01-24 1786-08-17
6301 Verein Atelier A corporate body 1999-00-00
6302 Raycon Corporation corporate body 1987-00-00
1551 to 1600 from 2951 Entries