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GFA 33/126.8:

Georg Fischer Annual Report 2021 // Passion for Innovation

Business Report
Key figures 2021 4
Our Corporation
1. GF Piping Systems 11
2. GF Casting Solutions 13
3. GF Machining Solutions 15
Letter to Shareholders 17
Strategy 2025 22
Highlights 25
Success Stories
1. GF Piping Systems 40
2. GF Casting Solutions 48
3. GF Machining Solutions 56
Our employees 64
Organization of GF 71
Sustainability at GF 75
TCFD Report 92
Corporate Governance Report
Introduction 107
Content of the report 110
Governance bodies 111
GF share and shareholders 113
Blackout periods 119
Board of Directors 120
Members of the Board of Directors 131
Executive Committee 136
Members of the Executive Committee 137
Auditors 140
Communication policy 141
Changes after the balance sheet date 142
Compensation Report
Introduction 144
Compensation at a glance 146
Contents 149
Compensation Governance 151
Compensation Structure 155
Compensation for the financial year 2021 166
Report of the statutory auditor 175
Financial Report
Consolidated financial statements
Consolidated income statement 177
Consolidated balance sheet 178
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 179
Consolidated cash flow statement 180
Notes to the consolidated financial statements 181
Information to the report
1. Performance 184
2. Operating assets and liabilities 192
3. Capital and financial risk management 202
4. Corporate structure 211
5. Other information 218
Report of the statutory auditor 222
Financial statements Georg Fischer Ltd
Income statement 226
Balance sheet 227
Notes to the financial statements 228
Proposal by the Board of Directors 233
Report of the statutory auditor 234
Five-year overview of the GF Corporation

Identifier: GFA 33/126.8
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