Business Report | |
Key figures 2021 | 4 |
Our Corporation | |
1. GF Piping Systems | 11 |
2. GF Casting Solutions | 13 |
3. GF Machining Solutions | 15 |
Letter to Shareholders | 17 |
Strategy 2025 | 22 |
Highlights | 25 |
Success Stories | |
1. GF Piping Systems | 40 |
2. GF Casting Solutions | 48 |
3. GF Machining Solutions | 56 |
Our employees | 64 |
Organization of GF | 71 |
Sustainability at GF | 75 |
TCFD Report | 92 |
Corporate Governance Report | |
Introduction | 107 |
Content of the report | 110 |
Governance bodies | 111 |
GF share and shareholders | 113 |
Blackout periods | 119 |
Board of Directors | 120 |
Members of the Board of Directors | 131 |
Executive Committee | 136 |
Members of the Executive Committee | 137 |
Auditors | 140 |
Communication policy | 141 |
Changes after the balance sheet date | 142 |
Compensation Report | |
Introduction | 144 |
Compensation at a glance | 146 |
Contents | 149 |
Compensation Governance | 151 |
Compensation Structure | 155 |
Compensation for the financial year 2021 | 166 |
Report of the statutory auditor | 175 |
Financial Report | |
Consolidated financial statements | |
Consolidated income statement | 177 |
Consolidated balance sheet | 178 |
Consolidated statement of changes in equity | 179 |
Consolidated cash flow statement | 180 |
Notes to the consolidated financial statements | 181 |
Information to the report | |
1. Performance | 184 |
2. Operating assets and liabilities | 192 |
3. Capital and financial risk management | 202 |
4. Corporate structure | 211 |
5. Other information | 218 |
Report of the statutory auditor | 222 |
Financial statements Georg Fischer Ltd | |
Income statement | 226 |
Balance sheet | 227 |
Notes to the financial statements | 228 |
Proposal by the Board of Directors | 233 |
Report of the statutory auditor | 234 |
Five-year overview of the GF Corporation | |