Keyword: model making


model making

model making appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 1/1126 Grundstücke, Gebäude Schaffhausen 1940 – 1974 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1127 Grundstücke, Gebäude Schaffhausen, Pläne 1930 – 1961 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1600 Material- und Rechnungswesen Modellfabrikation Geissber 1939 – 1945 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1640 Modellskizzen Stahlgussteile 1900 – 1950 File: 7 volumes
GFA 1/1676 Einrichtungen SG, Stahlguss-Nuklearkomponenten, Technologie Herstellung, PZ 87 Leopard, Versicherungsschutz, Wasserturbinenguss 1940 – 1991 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1820 +GF+ Bedford, Akten Dr. Schneebeli 1950 – 1980 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1847 +GF+ Bedford, Zweite Ausbaustufe 1948 – 1952 File: 1 file
GFA 1/2209 Bericht, Dokumente 1950 – 1978 File: 1 file
GFA 1/2664 Eisenbhanmaterial, Bericht und Dokumente 648-722 1950 – 1978 File: 1 file
GFA 1/4052 Modelldienste Giessereien SH, GGl Strukturanalyse, Konzernlabor für Schwingung und Akustik, KOKOS-Komparative Kostenstrukturanalyse, VOG-Vermarktungs-organisation 1977 File: 1 file
GFA 1/4105 Computer Aided Design (CAD) 1981 – 1983 File: 1 file
GFA 1/5420 Stahlguss Organisation, Betriebswirtschaft 1966 – 1980 File: 1 file
GFA 13/168 Stahlguss: Kompressoren 1960 – 1984 File: 1 photo album Protection period until: 2034
GFA 13/170 Stahlguss: Genauguss (Exacast) 1990 File: 1 photo album Protection period until: 2040
GFA 13/207 Neue Werkstoffe: Metalle, Polymere, Keramik 1990 File: 1 photo album Protection period until: 2040
GFA 27/32 Modell Mühlentalgebiet 1958 – 1961 Item: 1 three dimensional object digitized
GFA 9/1.164 GF Mitteilungen, Heft 164, 10/1972 1972 File: 1 file digitized
GFA 9/1.21 GF Mitteilungen, Heft 21, 12/1947 1947 File: 1 file digitized
GFA 9/3.127.33 Standortinformationen, Beilage zu GF intern, Heft Nr. 33, April 1987 1987 File: 1 file digitized | Protection period until: 2037
GFA 9/3.30 GF intern, Nr. 30, Dezember 1985 1985 File: 1 file digitized
GFA 9/4.5.1 International, Nr. 5, Oktober 1996, 2. Jahrgang 1996 File: 2 volumes digitized
GFA 9/4.5.2 International, No. 5, October 1996, Volume 2 1996 File: 2 volumes digitized
1 to 22 from 22 Entries