
Keyword: communication



communication appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
EBA 9/239 Ferrum Nr. 78 2006 File: 5 volumes
EBA 9/41 Technikgeschichtliche Tagung 1978-1996 1978 – 1996 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2026
GFA 1/3111 Kommunikation Konzern allgmein, Charmilles Presseberichte 1983 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3112 Kommunikation Konzern allgmein, Buss, Charmilles Geschäftsgang, Presseberichte 1986 – 1992 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3113 Kommunikation Konzern allgemein, Burkhardt + Weber Geschäftsgang, Presseberichte, Jubiläum 1988, Schliessung 1988 – 1993 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3114 Kommunikation Konzern allgemein, Burkhardt + Weber, Plastik, Presseberichte, Schliessung 1993 – 1994 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3115 Kommunikation Konzern allgemein, Irak, Iran, Geschäftsgang, Presseberichte, Wehrtechnik 1986 – 1991 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3116 Kommunikation Konzern allgmein, Presseberichte, Interviews, Geschäftsgang, Referate 1988 – 1991 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3117 Kommunikation Konzern allgemein Presseberichte, Referate 1976 – 1991 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3118 Kommunikation Konzern allgemein Presseberichte Tochtergesellschaften 1987 – 1989 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3119 Kommunikation Konzern allgemein Presseberichte Tochtergesellschaften 1989 – 1990 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3120 Kommunikation Konzern allgemein Presseberichte Buss, Charmilles, Maschinenbau, Aktienfragen 1991 File: 1 file
GFA 1/3121 Kommunikation Konzern allgemein Presseberichte, Korrespondenz, Tochtergesellschaften 1989 – 1994 File: 1 file
GFA 1/6717 Private Telegraphic Code 1913 File: 1 volume
GFA 4/107 Aufbau einer Corporate Brand/Corporate Communications in China 2005 – 2008 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2038
GFA 4/163 Leitbild Kommunikation Georg Fischer Konzern 1996 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2026
GFA 4/168 Communication Policy Georg Fischer Corporation 1996 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2026
GFA 4/217 Leitbild Kommunikation 2007 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2037
GFA 4/218 Communication Policy 2007 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2037
GFA 4/227 Leitbilder-Mappe 2008 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2038
GFA 4/228 Leitbilder-Mappe 2008 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2038
GFA 9/1.165.158 La Pagina Italiana, Beilage zu GF Mitteilungen, Heft 158, Februar 1971 1971 File: 1 file digitized
GFA 9/29.1.1 Globe, Nr. 1, März 2006 2006 File: 2 volumes digitized | Protection period until: 2036
GFA 9/29.1.2 Globe, No. 1, March 2006 2006 File: 2 volumes digitized | Protection period until: 2036
GFA 9/3.101 GF intern, Nr. 101, April 2001 2001 File: 1 file digitized | Protection period until: 2051
1 to 25 from 36 Entries