Keyword: plastic mountings/plastic fittings


plastic mountings/plastic fittings

plastic mountings/plastic fittings appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 1/6654 Bericht: Marktuntersuchung Industriearmaturen, Kunststoffarmaturen 1993 File: 1 file
GFA 1/6657 Bericht: Organisation Ressort Plastik, Wachstum 1979 File: 1 file
GFA 11/590904-590906 SAUNDERS-Ventil, Membran Absperrventil 1959 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/591293-591295 Saunders Membran-Absperrventil 1959 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/591296-591297 PVC-Schrägsitzventil 1959 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/591298-591299 PVC-Schrägsitzventil 1959 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/600400-600401 Membrane für Absperrventile PVC 1960 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/600478 PVC-Schrägsitzventil (zerlegt) Foto ungültig 1960 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/600507 PVC-Schrägsitzventil (Schnitt) 1960 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/601417 PVC- Schrägsitzventil 1960 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/601452 Saunders-Ventil (zerlegt) PVC 1960 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/610295-610297 Schrägsitzventil 1961 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/610298 Schrägsitzventil, Schnitt 1961 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/610841-610842 GF Kugelhahn ND 10 1961 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/610867-610868 Kugelhahn ND 10 (Chemtrol) 1961 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/610869-610872 Kugelhahn mit Muffen 1961 Item: 4 photos digitized
GFA 11/611596-611597 Kugelhahn 1961 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/611598-611599 Saugkorb-Rückschlagventil 1961 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/611600-611601 Mikro-Nadelventil 1961 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/611735 Einzelteile zu Kugelhahnen aus PVC-HART 1961 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/620059-620060 Überwurfmuttern für Kugelhähne 1962 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/620172 PVC-Schrägsitzventil 1962 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/620262 GF Kugelhahn aus PVC 1962 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/621124-621125 Membran-Absperrventil 1962 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/621217 Rückschlag-Ventil 1962 Item: 1 photo digitized
1 to 25 from 287 Entries