ID | Label de | Label en | |
4388 | Innovationen | innovations | |
4389 | ELGEF | ELGEF | |
4390 | Zeit | time | |
4393 | Diplomatie | diplomacy | |
4394 | Millennium | millenium | |
4401 | Navigationssystem | navigation system | |
4402 | Flexalino | Flexalino | |
4409 | Arbeitsplätze | jobs/work places | |
4410 | Markt | market | |
4412 | Internationale Automobilausstellung (IAA) | international motor show | |
4413 | Leichtbau | lightweight construction | |
4418 | Technikgeschichtliche Tagung | Conference on the History of Technology | |
4419 | Ferrum | Ferrum | |
4422 | Pneumatik | pneumatics | |
4425 | Abwassersysteme | sewage systems | |
4429 | Biologie | biology | |
4430 | Halbleiterindustrie | semiconductor industry | |
4432 | Wissensmanagement | knowledge management | |
4433 | Netzwerk | network | |
4435 | Unternehmenskultur | corporate culture | |
4436 | Personalwesen | Human Resources | |
4440 | Simulation | simulation | |
4441 | Arbeitszeiten | working hours | |
4442 | Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssystem | plastic piping systems | |
4443 | Speditionslogistik | shipping logistics | |
4444 | Outsourcing | outsourcing | |
4446 | Logistikzentrum | logistics center | |
4461 | Jubiläum 1802-2002 | anniversary 1802-2002 | |
4471 | Zwangsarbeit | forced labour | |
4475 | Gesellschaft | society/community | |
4485 | Praktikum | internship | |
4488 | Bionik | bionics | |
4496 | Technology Day | Technology Day | |
4506 | Flughafen | airport | |
4508 | Medizintechnik | medical technology | |
4509 | Präzisionsmaschinen | precision machines | |
4510 | Bierbrauerei | brewery | |
4511 | Kreativität | creative techniques | |
4517 | Messtechnik | measurement technology | |
4520 | Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess (KVP) | continuous improvement process | |
4525 | Unternehmensentwicklung | corporate development | |
4526 | Risikomanagement | risk management | |
4527 | Rolltreppen | escalators | |
4528 | Standardisierung | standardization | |
4533 | Korruption | corruption | |
4534 | Wachstum | growth | |
4536 | Adressverzeichnis | address directory | |
4544 | Team | team | |
4555 | Agiecut | Agiecut | |
4556 | Agietron | Agietron |