ID | Label de | Label en | |
4557 | Tauchlackieranlage | dip coating facility | |
4559 | Windkraft | wind power | |
4563 | Wissenschaft | science | |
4568 | Lebensmittelindustrie | food industry | |
4571 | Kachelofen | tiled stove | |
4572 | Zukunftsperspektive | future prospects/future perspective | |
4580 | Neue Eisenbahn-Alpentransversale NEAT | New Railway Link through the Alps (NRLA)/base tunnel | |
4581 | Ingenieurswesen | engineering | |
4587 | Digitalisierung | digitalization | |
4595 | Arbeitgeber | employer | |
4600 | Eherenamtliche Tätigkeit | honorary office | |
4602 | Wettbewerbsfähigkeit | competitiveness | |
4607 | Austritt/Kündigung | resignation/termination | |
4610 | Drahterosion | wire erosion | |
4612 | Arbeitskleidung | work clothes | |
4615 | 3D-Druck | 3D printer | |
4617 | Strukturprogramm | structure plan | |
4624 | Industriegeschichte/Industriekultur | industrial history/industrial culture | |
4627 | Flexibilität | flexibility | |
4632 | Zyklizitätsreduktion | cyclicality reduction | |
4641 | Gewinn/Verlust | profit/loss | |
4643 | Synergie | synergy | |
4649 | Modernisierung | modernisation | |
4651 | Intranet | Intranet | |
4653 | LED | LED | |
4656 | Verantwortung | responsability | |
4660 | Kernwerte | core values | |
4663 | Umfrage | survey | |
4666 | Zukunft | future | |
4669 | Luftfahrt | aviation industry | |
4670 | Mitarbeiterinformation | employee information | |
4679 | Erscheinungsbild/Image | company image | |
4683 | Rohrverbindungstechnik | pipe fittings | |
4691 | Gedenken | commemoration | |
4696 | Nähstube | sewing shop | |
4697 | Feiertage | public holidays | |
4698 | Tradition | tradition | |
4701 | Einstellung/Eintritt | hiring/start of employment | |
4709 | Körperteile | body parts | |
4715 | Hygiene | hygiene | |
4724 | Rauchen | smoking | |
4743 | Fonds | funds | |
4757 | Delegiertenversammlung | assembly of delegates | |
4780 | Giessereifachmesse (GIFA) | foundry trade fair/GIFA | |
4786 | Industrieberufe | industrial professions | |
4792 | Spende | donation | |
4802 | Fassade | facade | |
4806 | Beförderung | promotion | |
4810 | Neuorganisation/Reorganisation | reorganization | |
4812 | Rückblick | look back/review |