ID | Label de | Label en | |
6996 | Sprachkurse | language courses | |
7045 | Adel | nobility/aristocracy | |
7048 | Atomkraftwerk | nuclear power plant | |
7060 | Werte | values | |
7097 | Brillen | glasses | |
7135 | Internet | internet | |
7145 | Abschlussfeier | graduation ceremony | |
7184 | Motorrad | motorcycle | |
7195 | Berufsleben | working life | |
7198 | Tanken | refuel | |
7303 | Hotel | hotel | |
7319 | Sekretariat | secretariat | |
7362 | Austausch | exchange | |
7418 | Fahrstuhl/Lift | elevator | |
7430 | Pflanzen | plants | |
7442 | Teleskop | telescope | |
7479 | Sitzungen | meetings | |
7499 | Stanzen | punching | |
7531 | Lehrabschluss | apprenticeship certificate | |
7540 | Kommission | commission/committee | |
7622 | Tunnel | tunnel | |
7634 | OnePointFour | OnePointFour | |
7640 | Stipendium | stipend/scholarship | |
7641 | 4DX | 4DX | |
7643 | Restaurierung | restoration | |
7647 | Center of Competence | Center of Competence | |
7650 | Global Support | Global Support | |
7654 | Water Technology Summit | Water Technology Summit | |
7658 | Center of Excellence | Center of Excellence | |
7666 | Social Media | Social Media | |
7670 | Bioalgenreaktor | bioalgae reactor | |
7691 | Rekrutierung | recruting | |
7702 | GF Brain | GF Brain | |
7726 | Industrie 4.0 | industry 4.0 | |
7728 | Coolfit | Coolfit | |
7730 | Elektromobilität | electromobility | |
7736 | Design Thinking | design thinking | |
7753 | Concept Cars | Concept Cars | |
7754 | Prototyp | prototype | |
7760 | Hyperloop | hyperloop | |
7781 | Augmented Reality | augmented reality | |
7788 | rConnect | rConnect | |
7803 | 3D Systems | 3D systems | |
7805 | Feinguss | investment casting/precision casting | |
7810 | Isolierung | isolation | |
7813 | Wechsel | change | |
7818 | Büchererwerb | book acquisition | |
7843 | Nachlass | estate/inheritance | |
7845 | Bücherschenkungen | book donations |