ID | Label de | Label en | |
98 | Erinnerungsschriften | memoirs | |
103 | Jubiläum 1802-1977 | anniversary 1802-1977 | |
107 | Soziales Wirken | social engagement | |
108 | Verwaltungsrat | board of directors | |
111 | Energieversorgung | power supply | |
113 | Statistiken | statistics | |
114 | Fachartikel | technical articles | |
115 | Beschaffung | procurement | |
118 | Tagung/Veranstaltung | events | |
119 | Besuche | visits | |
120 | Landesausstellung (Schweiz) | Swiss national exhibition | |
121 | Stahlgiesserei | steel foundry | |
123 | Immobilien/Liegenschaften | real estate | |
127 | Sozialinstitutionen | social institutions | |
129 | Grauguss | grey cast iron | |
132 | Korrosion | corrosion | |
133 | Werkbahn | company railroad | |
134 | Drehmaschinen | turning machine | |
135 | Werkzeugmaschinen | machine tools | |
137 | Sphäroguss | nodular cast iron | |
140 | Devestitionen | divestment | |
142 | Produktion | production | |
145 | Politik | politics | |
148 | Kundenguss | customer specific casting | |
149 | Werbung | advertisement | |
150 | Einrichtungen | facilities | |
152 | Elektroarmaturen | electrical fittings | |
153 | Automobilguss | automotive casting | |
154 | Wärmebehandlung | heat treatment | |
155 | Presseberichte | press reports | |
156 | Hydraulik | hydraulics | |
157 | Preislisten | price lists | |
158 | Rechnungswesen | accounting | |
159 | Geschäftsgang | course of business | |
160 | Fittingsverband | fittings association | |
161 | Konkurrenz | competition | |
165 | Beteiligungen | holdings | |
166 | Finanzen | finances | |
167 | Statuten | bylaws | |
169 | Eisenbahn | railway | |
170 | Diplomarbeit/Dissertation | thesis/dissertation | |
173 | Nebenbetriebe | auxiliary services | |
174 | Streik | strike | |
175 | Lohn | salary | |
176 | Fabrikordnung | factory regulations | |
177 | Prozesse | processes | |
178 | Todesfall | death | |
183 | Korrespondenz | correspondence | |
187 | Protokolle | minutes/records | |
189 | Publikation/Zeitschrift | publication/periodical |