ID | Label de | Label en | |
8784 | Luftpumpe | air pump | |
8785 | Alaun | alum | |
8786 | Alkali | alkali | |
8787 | Legierung | alloy | |
8788 | Eismaschine | ice machine | |
8789 | Druckletter | print type | |
8790 | Amalgamierwerk | amalgamating plant | |
8792 | Ammoniak | ammonia | |
8793 | Amphitheater | amphitheatre | |
8794 | Ananas | pineapple | |
8796 | Anker | anchor | |
8797 | Gicht (Hochofen) | cup and cone (blast furnace) | |
8798 | Atmosphäre | atmosphere | |
8799 | Antiquität | antiquities | |
8801 | Dampfschiff | steamship | |
8802 | Bewaffnung | armament or weaponry | |
8803 | Weichglühen | soft annealing | |
8804 | Arsenal | arsenal | |
8805 | Arsen(III)-oxid | arsenic trioxide | |
8807 | Artillerie | artillery | |
8808 | Stockknopf | cane tip | |
8811 | Kreide | chalk | |
8812 | Astronom | astronomer | |
8813 | Druckerpresse | printing press | |
8816 | Ball-Furnace | ball furnace | |
8817 | Stoffband | ribbon | |
8820 | Bassetwerk | basset horn lathe | |
8821 | Batterie (Militär) | battery (military) | |
8822 | Baumwolle | cotton | |
8824 | Bärenfett | bear’s grease | |
8828 | Bibel | Bible | |
8829 | Bier | beer | |
8830 | Bildhauerei | sculpting | |
8832 | Magnesiumoxid | magnesium oxide | |
8833 | Bitumen | bitumen | |
8835 | Medaillon | medallion | |
8836 | Kamee | cameo | |
8837 | Kupferstecher | copper engraver | |
8838 | Moirée | moire | |
8841 | Oszillation | oscillation | |
8843 | Blechfabrik | sheet metal factory | |
8844 | Schwemmung des Themsetunnels | Flooding of the Thames Tunnel | |
8845 | Brunels Tunnelbohrschild | Brunel’s tunnelling shield | |
8846 | Bleichen | bleaching | |
8848 | Bleistiftfabrik | pencil factory | |
8849 | Rennofen | bloomery | |
8851 | Bohnerz | bean ore | |
8852 | Bohrmaschine | drill | |
8853 | Bohrspülung | drilling fluid | |
8854 | Bohrwerkstätte | drilling workshop |