ID | Label de | Label en | |
2163 | Kartellrecht | cartels | |
2190 | Kurbelwelle | crankshaft | |
2194 | Zerreissproben | crucial test | |
2198 | Härterei | hardening shop | |
2225 | Reklamationen | complaints | |
2233 | Blockgiesserei | ingot casting | |
2279 | Automatisierung | automation | |
2288 | Unicupler | Unicupler | |
2294 | Diversifikation | diversification | |
2298 | Zulieferungen | delieveries | |
2314 | Montageanleitungen | assembly instructions | |
2316 | Ersatzteile | spare parts | |
2321 | Sandprüfung | sand testing | |
2324 | Labor/Prüflabor | laboratory/testing laboratory | |
2347 | Kommunikation | communication | |
2354 | Kurzarbeit | short-time work | |
2396 | Revision | auditors | |
2398 | Strategie | strategy | |
2400 | Optoelektonisches Mess-System (OMS) | optoelectronic measurement systems (OMS) | |
2401 | Fertigungstechnik | production engineering | |
2403 | Sirius | Sirius | |
2408 | Rechtsabteilung | legal department | |
2417 | Controlling | controlling | |
2418 | Corporate Identity | corporate identity | |
2440 | Integration | integration | |
2444 | Lasertechnik | laser technology | |
2450 | Unternehmungsplanung | corporate planning | |
2467 | Rechnergestützte numerische Steuerung (CNC) | computerized numerical control (CNC) | |
2522 | Lokomotive | locomotive | |
2541 | Unfallverhütung | accident prevention | |
2560 | Pensionierung | retirement | |
2570 | Kohle | coal | |
2572 | Turbine | turbine | |
2576 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft | working-group | |
2591 | Technische Konferenz | technical conference | |
2607 | Pumpe | pump | |
2608 | Recycling | recycling | |
2620 | Bauwesen | building trade | |
2641 | Handel | commercial business | |
2698 | Situationsplan | map of the area | |
2705 | Glüherei | annealing shop | |
2707 | Stahlwerk | steelworks | |
2709 | Schnitt | cut | |
2715 | Querschnitt | cross-section | |
2739 | Schmirglerei | sanding | |
2749 | Verwaltung | administration | |
2750 | Kessel | boiler | |
2751 | Brunnen | well | |
2755 | Modellschreinerei | pattern making shop | |
2757 | Feuerspritze | fire pump |