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GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_Publikationen :: Publications (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 9 :: Employee magazines, customer magazines, company magazines (Fonds)  >
Georg Fischer Ltd, corporation (Class)  >
GFA 9/1 :: GF Mitteilungen (File)  >
GFA 9/1.165 :: GF Mitteilungen, Beilagen, La Pagina Italiana (File)  >

GFA 9/1.165.119 :: La Pagina Italiana, Beilage zu GF Mitteilungen, Heft 119, Juni 1962 (File)

Reference CodeGFA 9/1.165.119
TitleLa Pagina Italiana, Beilage zu GF Mitteilungen, Heft 119, Juni 1962
Level of DescriptionFile
Extent (count)


Object Typefile
Extent and medium of the unit of description

4 Seiten

Anton PDF-Viewer
Content and Structure Area
Scope and content

La Pagina Italiana, italienische Zusammenfassungen der Texte aus den GF Mitteilungen, Heft 119, Juni 1962 (GFA 9/1.119)


  • Assemblea generale degli azionisti (S. 1)
  • I nostri Giubilari (S. 1)
  • I nostri Morti (S. 2)
  • Ampliamento della fonderia d'acciaio 1, Deposito del rottame (S. 2)
  • Ampliamento della fonderia di leghe leggere (S. 2)
  • La festa dei Pensionati (S. 3)
  • Il ballo degli apprendisti +GF+ nella Casa Homberger (S. 3)
  • La varietà dei compiti degli impiegati +GF+ (S. 4)
  • Bagnanti, attenzione! (S. 4)
Keywordsshareholders’ meeting :: jubilees :: steel foundry :: celebration/employee party :: employee information :: sport/leisure :: scrapyard :: light metal
ActorsWeber, Hans (1911–) :: Schneebeli, Max H. (1908–1973) :: Beerli, Emil (1902–1965)
PlacesBirch / Schaffhausen (SH) :: Brugg (AG) :: Mettmann :: Bedford :: Mailand :: London :: Paris
Conditions of Access and Use
Access/Use Restrictionspublic
2019 / GBL Gubler AG
Description Control
Created2020-01-05 13:55:20 / feggimann
Updated2022-02-02 18:59:50 / anton  
2020-03-09 10:35:33 / anton
2020-01-05 14:04:44 / vrukavina
2020-01-05 14:04:44 / anton
2020-01-05 14:04:23 / feggimann