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GFA 17 :: Photo archive, negatives (Fonds)  >
GFA 17/LAB :: Labore // Laboratories (Class)  >
GFA 17/LAB.2 :: 2. Gasmetallurgisches Labor, Physikalisches Labor // Gas metallurgical lab, physics laboratory (Class)  >

GFA 17/631768 :: Gasevolograph, Apparatur zur Bestimmung des Gasgehaltes in Stählen (Item)

Reference CodeGFA 17/631768
TitleGasevolograph, Apparatur zur Bestimmung des Gasgehaltes in Stählen
1963 / Graf, Max
Level of DescriptionItem
Extent (count)


Object Typephoto
Content and Structure Area
Scope and content

Gasevolograph, Apparatur zur Bestimmung des Gasgehaltes in Stählen // Fotograf: Graf, Max

Keywordslaboratory/testing laboratory :: metallurgy :: physics
Conditions of Access and Use
Access/Use Restrictionsprolonged period of protection
Related Units of Description

GFA 11/631768-631771

Description Control
Created2019-07-23 16:30:19 / feggimann
Updated2022-02-18 15:46:56 / anton  
2020-04-16 20:16:51 / anton
2020-03-09 10:23:13 / anton