Catalog  >
GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_HFA :: Historical company archive (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 1 :: Historical company archive (old holdings) (Fonds)  >
Foundries, production, products (Class)  >

Miscellaneous (Class)

Creation1899 – 1981
Level of DescriptionClass
Description Control
Created2017-03-03 13:23:24 / akraenzle
Updated2022-01-23 18:01:11 / spenteado  
2021-05-11 12:49:57 / spenteado
2020-03-09 09:58:18 / anton
2019-07-02 10:52:39 / Auth::user()->username
2017-07-17 16:43:38 / feggimann
2017-07-17 16:41:55 / Auth::user()->username
2017-03-09 19:49:37 / feggimann
2017-03-09 19:49:36 / feggimann
2017-03-09 19:49:22 / feggimann
2017-03-09 19:49:21 / feggimann
2017-03-03 13:10:47 / akraenzle


Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 1/1330 KLB Giessereien Stahlguss, Fittings, Grafiken, Versand 1900 – 1927 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1613 Statistik, Umsatz Stahlguss, Fittings 1900 – 1928 File: 2 volumes
GFA 1/1657 Werkleitung Werk IV, Birch 1906 – 1933 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1716 Giessereien Schweiz 1955 – 1981 File: 1 file
GFA 1/2451 Material betreffend Ausbau der +GF+ Giessereien, Gutachten HSG/Kneschaurek, Freidank/Sigrist, Erwin Bührer 1964 – 1970 File: 1 file
GFA 1/560 Satzbücher 1899 – 1966 File: 9 volumes
GFA 1/603 Fabrikationsmaterialverbrauch 1939 – 1945 File: 7 files
GFA 1/622 Modelle und Preise für Temper- und Stahlgussteile 1899 – 1918 File: 6 volumes
GFA 1/623 Modellverwaltung und Modellkontrolle 1899 – 1908 File: 5 volumes
GFA 1/624 Fabrikationskosten 1911 – 1933 File: 1 file
1 to 10 from 10 Entries