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GFA 11 :: Photo archive, index cards (Fonds)  >
GFA 11/WA :: Werke auswärts, Handelsgesellschaften und nahestehende Unternehmen // Plants outside Schaffhausen, trading companies and related corporations (Class)  >

GFA 11/WA.18 :: 18. Dingler, Karcher & Co., Worms, Deutschland // Dingler, Karcher & Co., Worms, Germany (Class)

Reference CodeGFA 11/WA.18
Title18. Dingler, Karcher & Co., Worms, Deutschland // Dingler, Karcher & Co., Worms, Germany
Creation1971 – 1991
Level of DescriptionClass
Description Control
Created2017-10-29 07:36:49 / akraenzle
Updated2022-02-18 15:20:40 / anton  


Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 11/710032 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Saarländisches Stahlwerk 1971 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/710033 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Saarländisches Stahlwerk 1971 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/760786-760787 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss; Zylinderkopf aus Stahlguss 1976 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/760866-760868 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss; Gehäuseoberteil 1976 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/760869-760871 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss 1976 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/760872-760875 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss 1976 Item: 4 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/760876-760878 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss 1976 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/761009-761011 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss Rohrenlager 1976 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/761012-761014 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss; Pumpengehäuseunterteil 1976 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/761015-761016 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss; Schleudern 1976 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/761017-761019 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss; Schleudern 1976 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/770926-770928 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss; DKC-Worms 1977 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2027
GFA 11/790387-790390 Dingler, Karcher & Co., AKC Worms 1979 Item: 4 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2029
GFA 11/790416-790427 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Kernaufbau Doppelstator 1979 Item: 12 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2029
GFA 11/791069-791070 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlgiesserei; Flüssigkeitskupplung 1979 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2029
GFA 11/840510 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Computergesteuerte Vakuumspektrometer 1984 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2034
GFA 11/890538-890543 Dingler, Karcher & Co., CAD Fiuite Elemente 1989 Item: 6 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2039
GFA 11/890624 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Strahlheizrohre 1989 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2039
GFA 11/890912 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Hitzebeständiger Stahlguss 1989 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2039
GFA 11/900346 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Stahlguss; AOD-Giessofen 1990 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2040
GFA 11/900347-900348 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Gussteile für die petrochemische Industrie 1990 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2040
GFA 11/900428-900429 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Mehrstufenpumpengehäuse 1990 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2040
GFA 11/900431 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Teminal der 3D Messmaschine 1990 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2040
GFA 11/900432-900434 Dingler, Karcher & Co., 3D Messmaschine 1990 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2040
GFA 11/900458 Dingler, Karcher & Co., Abschnitt eines Schleudergussrohres 1990 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2040
1 to 25 from 32 Entries