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GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_HFA :: Historical company archive (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 1 :: Historical company archive (old holdings) (Fonds)  >
Documentation (Class)  >
Brochures, printed matters, advertising material in general (Class)  >

GFA 1/1048 :: Drucksachen (File)

Reference CodeGFA 1/1048
Old Reference Code

HFA 1/01048; 19.02

1949 – 1981 / unbekannt
Level of DescriptionFile
Extent (count)


Object Typefile
Content and Structure Area
Scope and content

Enthält: Belegexemplare der in der vermerkten Periode laufend herausgegebenen Drucksachen, die nicht bestimmten Unternehmensbereichen zuzuordnen sind (Prospekte, Flyer, leere Zeugnisse, Mitteilungen, Briefpapier, Couverts, Karten etc.)

Keywordscorporation :: information service :: profile :: advertisement :: anniversary :: printed matters :: business documents :: brochures :: announcements
Conditions of Access and Use
Access/Use RestrictionsStandard period of protection
LanguagesArabic, Chinese, German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian
Description Control
Created2017-03-03 15:12:15 / akraenzle
Updated2022-01-23 18:01:18 / anton  