Archival Catalog – List

Catalog  >
GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_Foto/Film :: Photo/film (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 13 :: Photo albums (Fonds)  >
Miscellaneous (Class)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 13/35 Fotoansichten von Schaffhausen (Stadt und Kanton) 1950 – 1960 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/36 Fotoansichten von Schaffhausen (Stadt und Kanton) 1950 – 1960 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/64 GF im 2. Weltkrieg: Flüchtlinge in der Reithalle 1945 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/65 GF im 2. Weltkrieg: Torffelder 1939 – 1946 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/66 Eisensammlung im 2. Weltkrieg 1943 – 1945 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/134 Eisenbahnmesswagen Amsler für Indien, Österreich und SBB 1963 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/256 Räder. Fotos aus der Periode vor 1950 1910 – 1950 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/257 Räder: Dokumentation Simplex Rad 1928 – 1929 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/316 Giesserei Moser 1900 – 1950 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/317 Aushub für Fundament Portalfräswerk in Waldkirch-Coberg / Reparatur Einzugsmotor 1971 – 1972 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/321 Panzer Leopard Zusammenbau 1988 File: 1 photo album Protection period until: 2038
GFA 13/406 Fotos Fittingsproduktion 1926 – 1930 File: 3 photos
GFA 13/414 Reise-Fotos Erich Naumann 1929 – 1937 File: 1 photo album
GFA 13/424 GF Kunststofffabrikation, diverse Anlässe 1949 – 1980 File: 1 photo album Protection period until: 2030
1 to 14 from 14 Entries