Archival Catalog – List

Catalog  >
GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_Foto/Film :: Photo/film (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 11 :: Photo archive, index cards (Fonds)  >
GFA 11/GA :: Giessereianlagen // Foundry plants (Class)  >
GFA 11/GA.4 :: 4. Entstaubung, Lüftung // Dust extraction, ventilation (Class)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 11/730856 Kupolofenentstaubung mit Luftschleier 1973 Item: 10 photos digitized
GFA 11/740319-740322 Absaughaube über Auspacklinie 1974 Item: 4 photos digitized
GFA 11/740323-740324 Nassabschneider Oberteile 1974 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/740325 Filter und Ventilatoren 1974 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/740500 Absaugung Elektro- Induktionsofen 1974 Item: 6 photos digitized
GFA 11/750212-750213 Kupolofen-Entstaubungsanlage 1975 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2025
GFA 11/750221-750224 Gusskühlanlage Herblingertal 1975 Item: 4 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2025
GFA 11/750225-750226 Nassabschneider Herblingertal 1975 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2025
GFA 11/750918 Entstaubung an der AM 409 1975 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2025
GFA 11/781209-781211 Entstaubung 1978 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2028
GFA 11/781212-781215 Entstaubung 1978 Item: 4 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2028
GFA 11/781247-781249 Gesamt-Übersicht 1978 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2028
GFA 11/781311 Rauchentwicklung beim Frischen in der Stahlgiesserei 1978 Item: 5 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2028
GFA 11/781334-781336 Entstaubung eines GG Konverters 1978 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2028
GFA 11/781337-781339 Entstaubung eines Lichtbogenofens 1978 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2028
GFA 11/790935-790937 Lichtbogenofen 1979 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2029
GFA 11/801417-801427 Absaugung am Lichtbogenofen 1980 Item: 11 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2030
GFA 11/801430 Entstaubungs-Anlage in der SG-1 1980 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2030
GFA 11/840013-840017 Trockenentstaubungsanlage 1984 Item: 5 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2034
GFA 11/941116 Entstaubung Auspackrohr 1994 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2044
1 to 20 from 20 Entries