Archival Catalog – List

Catalog  >
GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_Foto/Film :: Photo/film (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 11 :: Photo archive, index cards (Fonds)  >
GFA 11/FI :: Fittings // Fittings (Class)  >
GFA 11/FI.6 :: 6. Fittings aus Plastik/Kunststoff // Plastic/synthetic fittings (Class)  >
GFA 11/FI.6.3 :: 6.3. Kunststoff/Plastik: Entwicklung, Kleben // Plastics/synthetic: development, glueing (Class)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 11/530966 Kunststofffitting 1953 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/550145 Fittings-PVC (Polyvinylchlorid) 1955 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/550773 PVC-Fittings 1955 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/550785 Montage eines GF T-Stückes aus Hart-PVC 1955 Item: 10 photos digitized
GFA 11/551311 PVC-Fitting 1955 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/560026 Klebefittings aus Hart-PVC 1956 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/560315 Montage von PVC-Fittings 1956 Item: 9 photos digitized
GFA 11/560317-560318 Installationen 1956 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/560319-560321 Installationen 1956 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/560407-560409 Übergangsstücke 1956 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/560410-560411 Kunststoff Fittings 1956 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/560508-560510 Anwendungsbeispiele 1956 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/560626 PVC-Rohrstück mit Fitting im Schnitt 1956 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/560656-560658 Installationen 1956 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/560746 PVC-Fittings 1956 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/560973-560976 Anwendung von PVC-Fittings 1956 Item: 4 photos digitized
GFA 11/561147-561148 Installationen 1956 Item: 5 photos digitized
GFA 11/561149-561152 Verteilbatterie mit PVC-Klebefittings 1956 Item: 4 photos digitized
GFA 11/561186-561187 Installationen 1956 Item: 4 photos digitized
GFA 11/561202 Fittingskombinationen 1956 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/561356-561358 Installations-Beispiele PVC 1956 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/561359-561360 Installations-Beispiele PVC 1956 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/561361-561362 Installations-Beispiele PVC 1956 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/561363-561364 Dachwasserleitungen aus PVC mit ungeklebten Muffen 1956 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/561424 Säureneutralisierungsanlage mit PVC-Fittings 1956 Item: 4 photos digitized
1 to 25 from 158 Entries