Archival Catalog – List

Catalog  >
GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_Foto/Film :: Photo/film (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 11 :: Photo archive, index cards (Fonds)  >
GFA 11/LM :: Leichtmetall // Light metal (Class)  >
GFA 11/LM.16 :: 16. Gussteile, Produkte // Cast parts, products (Class)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 11/47485 LM Achsbüchsdeckel 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47815 Formgehäuse Oberteil für SIG Peraluman 3 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47816 Formgehäuse Oberteil 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47819 Riffelwalze für Maschinenfabrik Rauschenbach Abticor 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47971 Leitschaufelkranz 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47972 Ventilatorengehäuse 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47973 Ventilatorengehäuse 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47974 Laufräder 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47975 Laufräder 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/47976 Ventilatorrad 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/471286 Nähmaschinenarm für Gelbert, Zürich 1947 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/48944-48945 Zylinderkopf für Universal 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481132 Formkasten für Eigenbedarf 1948 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/481133 Formkasten für Eigenbedarf 1948 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/481277-481278 Zylinderkopf Motorenbau, Bührer 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481416-481417 Deckel für Schaltergehäuse 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481441 Zylinderblock 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481442 Zylinderblock 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481443 Zylinderblock 1948 Item: 3 photos digitized
GFA 11/481444-481445 Gehäuseteile 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481446-481447 Fadenhalter 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481460 Turbinenrad 1948 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/481461-481462 Formgehäuse 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481488-481489 Textilmaschine 1948 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/481490 Textilmaschine 1948 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/481491 Textilmaschine 1948 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/481492 Ventilatorenbau 1948 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/481539 Zylinder 1948 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/490179-490180 Schutzhauben für KDM 1949 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/491584 Bestandteile für Flugzeuge 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491585 Getriebegehäuse 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491586 Flugzeugbestandteile 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491587 Spannbügel 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491588 Beschlag für Flugzeuge 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491589 Rudderpedal catings 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491590 Ständer für Infrarot-Sandtrockner 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491591 Fuel booster pump support casting 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491593 Bremsbacken für Seilbahnen 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/491595 Rolle für Kabel 1949 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/500368 Beleuchtungsrohr 1950 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/500476 Fahrtisch 1950 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/501026 Grundplatte für Nähmaschine 1950 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/501045 Aluminiumguss-Beleuchtungsrohre 1950 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/501047 Aluminiumguss für Nähmaschinen 1950 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/501048 Aluminiumguss-Halterarmierung für Textilapparate 1950 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/510040-510041 Ziegelpressformen aus Leichtmetall, Ziegelei Paradies 1951 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/510127 Steuer-Kabelrollensupport Eidgenössische Flugzeugwerke Emmen, Sandguss 1951 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/510128 Nähmaschinenblock 1951 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/510319 Gehäuse für Nähmaschine Schw. Nähmaschinenfabrik, Luzern, Aluminium-Sandguss 1951 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 11/520665-520666 Motorengehäuse 1952 Item: 2 photos digitized
1 to 50 from 58 Entries