Archival Catalog – List

Catalog  >
EBA :: Iron Library Archive (Collection)  >
EBA 2 :: Gonzen iron mine (Fonds)  >
Documents (Class)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
EBA 2/492 Letter further authorization for the 2nd cable railway Grube II - Saumweg 1874 File: 1 file
EBA 2/493 Minutes governing council canton St. Gallen no. 1900 1874 File: 1 file
EBA 2/494 Purchase contract 1874 File: 1 file
EBA 2/495 Technical elucidations for a cable railway facility 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/496 Project No. 8467 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/497 Quotation I 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/498 Quotation II 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/499 Quotation III 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/500 Cable railway "System Bleichert" 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/501 Cable railway "System Bleichert" 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/502 Cable railway "System Bleichert" 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/503 Cable railway "System Bleichert" 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/504 Electrical smelter 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/505 Electrical smelter 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/506 Electrical smelter 1910 File: 1 file
EBA 2/507 Electrical crude iron and steel facility 1911 File: 1 file
EBA 2/508 Electrical smelter 1911 File: 1 file
EBA 2/509 Project for a Swiss steelwork in Sargans 1911 File: 1 file
EBA 2/510 Facilities for the production of crude steel 1911 File: 1 file
EBA 2/511 Overhead and capital cost 1911 File: 1 file
EBA 2/512 Project of the steel and rolling mill plant "Sargans" 1911 File: 1 file
EBA 2/513 Licens contract yield of Gonzen ore deposit 1912 File: 1 file
EBA 2/514 Documents regarding purchase Nausberg 1912 File: 1 file
EBA 2/515 Letter regarding purchase Nausberg 1912 File: 1 file
EBA 2/516 Bill of sale mountain estate Naus am Walserberg 1871 File: 1 file
EBA 2/517 Letter regarding purchase Nausberg 1912 File: 1 file
EBA 2/518 Index archive documents 1912 File: 1 file
EBA 2/519 Purchase contract J. G. Neher-Moser 1917 File: 1 file
EBA 2/520 Minutes governing council canton St. Gallen 1919 File: 1 file
EBA 2/521 Purchase contracts 1919 File: 1 file
EBA 2/522 Purchase contracts 1919 File: 1 file
EBA 2/523 Purchase contract Oskar Neher & Co. 1899 File: 1 file
EBA 2/524 Purchase contract Oskar Neher & Co. 1899 File: 1 file
EBA 2/525 Dividing up the inheritance Neher-Stocker 1878 File: 1 file
EBA 2/526 Purchase contract 1893 File: 1 file
EBA 2/675 Manuscripts 1870 – 1930 File: 1 file
EBA 2/676 Deeds 1549 – 1697 File: 9 files
EBA 2/686 Molybdän- und Nickel-Kobalt-Vorkommen 1943 – 1965 File: 1 file
EBA 2/694 Verträge Neher-Bärtsch 1856 – 1874 File: 1 file
EBA 2/695 Abwehrkampf ausländischer Boykottbewegungen 1933 File: 1 file
EBA 2/696 Reglement Geschäftsleitung 1943 File: 1 file
151 to 191 from 191 Entries