
Place: Budapest


City, village, …




Budapest appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
EBA 9/36 Korrespondenz: Schweiz und Ausland; Bibliotheken und Museen, 2005 2005 File: 1 file Protection period until: 2035
GFA 11/710647 Internationale Messe Budapest 1971 Item: 2 photos digitized
GFA 11/760408 Messe Budapest 1976 Item: 3 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2026
GFA 11/871297-871298 Frühjahrsmesse Budapest 1987 Item: 2 photos digitized | Protection period until: 2037
GFA 11/891178 Frühjahrsmesse Budapest 1989 Item: 1 photo digitized | Protection period until: 2039
GFA 17/710647 Internationale Messe Budapest 1971 Item: 2 photos
GFA 17/760408 Messe Budapest 1976 Item: 3 photos Protection period until: 2026
GFA 17/871297 Frühjahrsmesse Budapest 1987 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2037
GFA 17/871298 Frühjahrsmesse Budapest 1987 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2037
GFA 17/891178 Frühjahrsmesse Budapest 1989 Item: 1 photo Protection period until: 2039
GFA 42/37135 Carbide matrix 1974 Item: 1 photo digitized
GFA 9/3.17 GF intern, Nr. 17, Juli 1981 1981 File: 1 file digitized
1 to 12 from 12 Entries