Identifier | Title | Date | Level of description | Other information | |
EBA 2/605 | Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Tonfraktion einer ägyptischen Bodenprobe | 1953 | File: 1 file | ||
EBA 2/606 | Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Tonfraktion einer ägyptischen Bodenprobe | 1953 | File: 1 file | vacat | |
EBA 2/609 | Der Einfluss der chemischen Verwitterung auf die alluvialen Tone von Aegypten | 1955 | File: 1 file | ||
GFA 1/1386 | Maschinenfabrik Rüti AG, Fotos, Firmenprospekte, Projektstudien | 1804 – 1978 | File: 1 file | ||
GFA 11/820999 | Werkbesuche, Ägyptischer Botschafter | 1982 | Item: 14 photos | digitized | Protection period until: 2032 | |
GFA 11/821000 | Werkbesuche, Ägyptischer Botschafter | 1982 | Item: 25 photos | digitized | Protection period until: 2032 | |
GFA 17/820999 | Werkbesuche, Ägyptischer Botschafter | 1982 | Item: 14 photos | Protection period until: 2032 | |
GFA 17/821000 | Werkbesuche, Ägyptischer Botschafter | 1982 | Item: 25 photos | Protection period until: 2032 | |
GFA 28/62 | Praktikanten 1962-1963 | 1962 – 1963 | File: 1 file | ||
GFA 28/63 | Praktikanten 1963-1964 | 1963 – 1964 | File: 1 file | ||
GFA 36/35 | Prospekt: GF Foundry Machines and Installations | 1976 | File: 1 file | ||
GFA 40/14 | Besuch von Bankfachleuten aus Kairo | May 1978 | File: 25 photos | Protection period until: 2028 | |
GFA 9/3.127.21 | Standortinformationen, Beilage zu GF intern, Heft Nr. 21, August 1982 | 1982 | File: 1 file | digitized | Protection period until: 2032 | |
GFA 9/3.127.22 | Standortinformationen, Beilage zu GF intern, Heft Nr. 22, Dezember 1982 | 1982 | File: 1 file | digitized | Protection period until: 2032 | |
GFA 9/3.127.6 | Standortinformationen, Beilage zu GF intern, Heft Nr. 6, Oktober 1978 | 1978 | File: 1 file | digitized | Protection period until: 2028 | |
GFA 9/3.30 | GF intern, Nr. 30, Dezember 1985 | 1985 | File: 1 file | digitized | |
GFA 9/3.38 | GF intern, Nr. 38, Dezember 1988 | 1988 | File: 1 file | digitized | |
GFA 9/3.5 | GF intern, Nr. 5, Juni 1978 | 1978 | File: 1 file | digitized | |
GFA 9/3.50 | GF intern, Nr. 50, Dezember 1991 | 1991 | File: 1 file | digitized | |
GFA 9/58.26 | Globe Magazin Nr. 1, 2021 [deutsch] | 2021 | File: 1 file digital born | digitized | Protection period until: 2051 | |
GFA 9/59.26 | Globe magazine, issue no. 1, 2021 [english] | 2021 | File: 1 file digital born | digitized | Protection period until: 2051 | |
GFD 2/209 | The Great Pyramid of Gizeh, Cairo, Egypt (photochrome print, c. 1890–1900) | 1890 – 1910 | Item: 1 photo digital born | digitized |