Place: Aargau (Kanton)


Aargau (Kanton)



Aargau (Kanton) appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 40/132 Besuch des Aargauer Regierungsrats 23rd Jun 1982 File: 11 photos Protection period until: 2032
GFA 9/1.120 GF Mitteilungen, Heft 120, 10/1962 1962 File: 1 file digitized
GFA 9/2.1 GF Zeitung, Nr. 1, Februar 1973 1973 File: 1 file digitized
GFA 9/3.24 GF intern, Nr. 24/25, September 1983 1983 File: 1 file digitized
GFA 9/3.73 GF intern, Nr. 73, August 1996 1996 File: 1 file digitized | Protection period until: 2046
GFA 9/3.73.1 GF intern, Nr. 73, August 1996 1996 File: 1 file digital born digitized
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