Existing Places

ID Type Name City State/Canton Country
438 Little Rock Little Rock AR United States
439 São Paulo São Paulo Brazil
440 Nidau Nidau BE Switzerland
442 Peschiera del Garda Peschiera del Garda Italy
443 Zhangjiagang Zhangjiagang China
444 Malaysia Malaysia
445 Austin Austin TX United States
446 Ettenheim Ettenheim Germany
447 Luterbach Luterbach SO Switzerland
448 Baden-Württemberg Germany
449 Mosambik Mozambique
450 Afghanistan Afghanistan
451 Äthiopien Ethiopia
452 Dobritsch Dobritsch Bulgaria
453 Valencia Valencia Spain
454 Johannesburg Johannesburg South Africa
455 Konstanz Konstanz Germany
456 Sikkim India
457 Dortmund Dortmund Germany
458 Sofia Sofia Bulgaria
459 Werdohl Werdohl Germany
460 Sheffield [USA] Sheffield VT United States
461 Utrecht Utrecht Netherlands
462 Turin Turin Italy
463 Blois Blois France
464 Fideriser Heuberge Fideriser Heuberge GR Switzerland
465 Gelbhausgarten Schulhaus Schaffhausen SH Switzerland
466 Mishawaka Mishawaka IN United States
467 Boston Boston MA United States
468 Devon United Kingdom
469 Zagreb Zagreb Croatia
470 Strassburg Strassburg France
471 Manchester Manchester United Kingdom
472 Parma Parma Italy
473 Rotterdam Rotterdam Netherlands
474 Lille Lille France
475 Sydney Sydney Australia
476 Innertkirchen Innertkirchen BE Switzerland
477 Glasgow Glasgow United Kingdom
478 Belfast Belfast United Kingdom
479 Unteralpfen Albbruck Germany
480 Feldberg Feldberg Germany
481 Bad Dürrheim Bad Dürrheim Germany
482 Leoben Leoben Austria
483 Bubikon Bubikon ZH Switzerland
484 Florenz Florenz Italy
486 Peru Peru
487 Guadeloupe France
488 Jura (Kanton) JU Switzerland
489 Grönland Denmark
301 to 350 from 1723 Entries