
ID Type Name City State/Canton Country
2270 Celle Celle Germany
2271 Gochsheim Gochsheim Germany
2272 Watford Watford United Kingdom
2273 Guernsey Guernsey Guernsey
2274 Riga Riga Latvia
2275 Moss Moss Norway
2276 Świebodzice Świebodzice Poland
2277 Vila Nova de Gaia Vila Nova de Gaia Portugal
2278 Getafe Getafe Spain
2279 Borås Boras Sweden
2280 Virsbo Virsbo Sweden
2281 Fristad Fristad Sweden
2282 Delaware DE United States
2283 Puebla Puebla Mexico
2284 Bahrain Bahrain
2285 Mariazell Mariazell Austria
2286 Jamestown VA United States
2287 L’Île-d’Elle L’Île-d’Elle France
2288 Le Gué-de-Velluire Le Gué-de-Velluire France
2290 Riedern am Sand Klettgau Germany
2291 Etzwilen Wagenhausen TG Switzerland
2292 Zentrallabor Schaffhausen SH Switzerland
2293 Wetterhorn BE Switzerland
1701 to 1723 from 1723 Entries