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Subsidiaries and holdings, miscellaneous (Class)

TitleSubsidiaries and holdings, miscellaneous
Creation1974 – 1981
Level of DescriptionClass
Description Control
Created2017-10-31 12:08:59 / lkuhn
Updated2022-02-18 14:59:25 / spenteado  
2020-11-06 10:49:36 / spenteado
2020-03-09 10:01:28 / anton
2019-07-02 10:53:28 / feggimann
2019-03-11 22:54:40 / feggimann
2019-03-11 22:54:40 / feggimann
2019-03-11 22:54:30 / feggimann
2019-03-11 22:54:30 / feggimann
2019-03-08 17:59:24 / lkuhn
2017-10-31 12:09:15 / lkuhn
2017-10-31 12:09:00 / lkuhn
2017-10-31 12:08:59 / lkuhn


Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 6/75 Fides Berichte, Revision 1974 – 1981 File: 2 files
1 to 1 from 1 Entries