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GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_Foto/Film :: Photo/film (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 17 :: Photo archive, negatives (Fonds)  >
GFA 17/FI :: Fittings // Fittings (Class)  >

GFA 17/FI.7 :: 7. Fittings aus Plastik/Kunststoff // Plastic/synthetic fittings (Class)

Reference CodeGFA 17/FI.7
Title7. Fittings aus Plastik/Kunststoff // Plastic/synthetic fittings
Creation1959 – 1969
Level of DescriptionClass
Description Control
Created2019-03-29 16:47:48 / feggimann
Updated2022-02-18 15:36:52 / anton  


Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 17/FI.7.1 7.1. Fittings aus PVC // PVC fittings 1959 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.2 7.2. Ventile, Armaturen, Kugelhahn aus PVC // PVC valves, fittings, ball valves 1959 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.3 7.3. Werbeaufnahmen, Montage // Promotional photographs, assembly 1964 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.4 7.4. Fittings aus Polypropylen PP // Polypropylene PP fittings 1964 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.5 7.5. Fittings aus Polyaethylen PE // Polyethylene PE fittings 1959 – 1964 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.6 7.6. Schweissfittings // Welding fittings 1968 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.7 7.7. Verschraubungen // Screw joints/fittings 1959 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.8 7.8. Werkzeuge und Hilfsmittel für Montage // Tools for installation 1959 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.9 7.9. Waga // Waga 1959 – 1968 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.10 7.10. Montagebeispiele, Installationen, Anwendungen extern // Assembly samples, installations, applications external 1959 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.7.11 7.11. Montageanleitungen, Hilfsmittel, Werkzeuge // Assembly instructions, aids, tools 1959 – 1968 Class
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