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GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_Foto/Film :: Photo/film (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 17 :: Photo archive, negatives (Fonds)  >
GFA 17/WB :: Werkbesichtigungen und Besuche // Plant tours and visits (Class)  >
GFA 17/WB.3 :: 3. Konferenzen, Generalversammlungen // Conferences, annual shareholders' meetings (Class)  >

GFA 17/530573 :: Konferenzen, 4. Instruktionskurs Webermeister (Item)

Reference CodeGFA 17/530573
TitleKonferenzen, 4. Instruktionskurs Webermeister
Level of DescriptionItem
Extent (count)


Object Typephoto
Content and Structure Area
Scope and content

Konferenzen, Teilnehmer des 4. Instruktionskurs für Webermeister am 11.07.1953. Gruppenfoto im Garten des Hombergerhauses. // Fotograf: Baumann, Ferdy

Keywordsvisits :: conferences :: visitors/guests :: textile machines :: group photo :: events
PlacesEbnat / Schaffhausen (SH) :: Hombergerhaus / Schaffhausen (SH)
Conditions of Access and Use
Access/Use Restrictionsprolonged period of protection
Related Units of Description

GFA 11/530573

Description Control
Created2019-07-22 17:55:17 / feggimann
Updated2022-02-18 15:40:51 / spenteado  