Archival Catalog – List

Catalog  >
GFA :: Georg Fischer Archive (Collection)  >
GFA_Foto/Film :: Photo/film (Recordgroup)  >
GFA 17 :: Photo archive, negatives (Fonds)  >
GFA 17/FI :: Fittings // Fittings (Class)  >

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
GFA 17/FI.0 0. Frühe Produktion, Dokumentation, Reportagen // Early production, documentation, reports 1930 – 1961 Class
GFA 17/FI.1 1. Entwicklungen, Reklamationen // Developments, complaints 1950 – 1994 Class
GFA 17/FI.2 2. Ausstellungen, Dokumentation, Werbung, Inserate, Zeichnungen, Verschiedenes // Exhibitions, documentation, sales promotion, advertisements, drawings, miscellaneous 1939 – 1993 Class
GFA 17/FI.3 3. Tempergussfittings // Malleable cast iron fittings 1940 – 1995 Class
GFA 17/FI.4 4. Fittings aus Kupfer, Messing, Rotguss // Fittings of copper, brass, red brass 1939 – 1981 Class
GFA 17/FI.5 5. Verschiedene Installationen, Anwendungen, Sanierungen extern // Various installations, applications, refurbishments, external 1958 – 1995 Class
GFA 17/FI.6 6. Fittings aus Plastik/Kunststoff // Plastic/synthetic fittings 1953 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.7 7. Fittings aus Plastik/Kunststoff // Plastic/synthetic fittings 1959 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.8 8. Plastik/Kunststoff, Anbohrgeräte, Anbohrzubehör, Verbindungen // Plastics/synthetic drilling devices and equipment, connections 1960 – 1969 Class
GFA 17/FI.9 9. Hilfsmittel für die Rohrmontage HR, Rohrverbindungstechnik RVT // Tools for pipe assembly, pipe jointing technology 1943 – 1995 Class
GFA 17/FI.10 10. Fittings aus Kunststoff/Plastik // Plastic/synthetic fittings 1966 – 1975 Class
GFA 17/FI.11 11. Z-Mass Computer // Z-Mass computer 1989 – 1990 Class
GFA 17/FI.12 12. INSTAFLEX®, RADIAFLEX® 1982 – 1995 Class
GFA 17/FI.13 13. PRIMOFIT® 1986 – 1991 Class
GFA 17/FI.14 14. Gebäudeeinführung GEBEF® // GEBEF® building inlets 1981 – 1994 Class
GFA 17/FI.15 15. [nicht vergeben] no date Class
GFA 17/FI.16 16. Zubehörteile und Werkzeuge // Accessory parts and tools 1971 – 1994 Class
GFA 17/FI.17 17. GELFIT 1982 – 1984 Class
GFA 17/FI.18 18. Straub – GRIP Rohrkupplungen // Straub – GRIP pipe joints 1977 – 1993 Class
GFA 17/FI.19 19. Stahlrohre // Steel pipes 1991 Class
GFA 17/FI.20 20. SOFT FIX 1981 – 1991 Class
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