
Place: Korea


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South Korea

Korea appears in

Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
EBA 9/6 Korrespondenz 1991-1993: Ausland 1991 – 1993 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1757 Tempergussfittings Konkurrenz 1974 – 1989 File: 1 file
GFA 1/1758 Tempergussfittings Konkurrenz, Musterbewertungen 1968 – 1987 File: 1 file
GFA 9/3.127.6 Standortinformationen, Beilage zu GF intern, Heft Nr. 6, Oktober 1978 1978 File: 1 file digitized | Protection period until: 2028
GFA 9/3.3 GF intern, Nr. 3, Dezember 1977 1977 File: 1 file digitized
GFA 9/3.67 GF intern, Nr. 67, August 1995 1995 File: 1 file digitized | Protection period until: 2045
GFA 9/3.67.1 GF intern, Nr. 67, August 1995 1995 File: 1 file digital born digitized
GFA 9/3.68 GF intern, Nr. 68, Oktober 1995 1995 File: 1 file digitized | Protection period until: 2045
GFA 9/3.68.1 GF intern, Nr. 68, Oktober 1995 1995 File: 1 file digital born digitized
GFA 9/4.2.1 International, Nr. 2, September 1995, 1. Jahrgang 1995 File: 2 volumes digitized
GFA 9/4.2.2 International, No. 2, September 1995, Volume 1 1995 File: 2 volumes digitized
GFA 9/50.3 Globe Magazin Nr. 3, 2014 [deutsch] 2014 File: 2 volumes
GFA 9/50.5 Globe Magazin Nr. 1, 2015 [deutsch] 2015 File: 2 volumes
GFA 9/51.3 Globe magazine, issue no. 3, 2014 [english] 2014 File: 2 volumes
GFA 9/51.5 Globe magazine, issue no. 1, 2015 [english] 2015 File: 2 volumes
GFA 9/58.3 Globe Magazin Nr. 3, 2014 [deutsch] 2014 File: 1 file digital born digitized | Protection period until: 2044
GFA 9/58.5 Globe Magazin Nr. 1, 2015 [deutsch] 2015 File: 1 file digital born digitized | Protection period until: 2045
GFA 9/59.3 Globe magazine, issue no. 3, 2014 [english] 2014 File: 1 file digital born digitized | Protection period until: 2044
GFA 9/59.5 Globe magazine, issue no. 1, 2015 [english] 2015 File: 1 file digital born digitized | Protection period until: 2045
GFA 9/62.3 Globe Magazin Nr. 3, 2014 [chinesisch] 2014 File: 1 file digital born digitized | Protection period until: 2044
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